
Safeguarding Statement

At Essex Primary School, we take the duty of care towards our pupils very seriously. We seek to provide a school environment where all children are safe, secure, valued, respected and listened to.

All staff and visitors have an important role in safeguarding children and protecting them from abuse, and are made aware of their responsibilities whenever they enter the school.

We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risk of harm to children’s welfare is minimised. Where we have concerns, we will take appropriate action to address those concerns working in full partnership with other agencies.

Our safeguarding team work across the school. These experienced and well-trained members of staff intend that all our children are safe and feel safe. Any concern a staff member has about a child is immediately passed to a team member, who will then determine the next steps to take.

The safeguarding team will always seek to discuss the concern with the child’s parents or carers in the first instance. However, and dependent upon the nature of our concern, it may be necessary for them to make an immediate referral to Children’s Services.

We highly value the importance of open communication and information sharing within the school. This provides all key staff with a clear perspective in providing necessary help with the aim of limiting any escalation.

Essex Primary School believes that schools can, and do, contribute to the prevention of abuse, victimisation, bullying, exploitation, radicalisation, extreme behaviours, discriminatory views and risk-taking behaviours.

By raising awareness around these issues with both our children and our parents, we can work together to protect our children.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is in line with KCSIE 2023-2024.

Key Personnel in the Safeguarding Team

Role Name
Deputy Head Teacher (Inclusion), SENDCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead and LADO referral lead Tracy Davis
Executive Head Teacher and Safeguarding Officer Cecilia Mojzes
Associate Head Teacher and Safeguarding Officer Amber Ilyas
Deputy Head Teacher and Safeguarding Officer Bronwen Smith