
In the table below, you will find a variety of information regarding external support for parents/carers. This is information that can help support parents/carers with their wellbeing.


Support with:

Information and links:

Cost of living Crisis

Newham Warm Havens are safe, non-judgemental warm spaces where residents can go, free of charge, for whatever reason they like. They are part of our response to the cost of living crisis. As part of our four-pronged response, Newham has launched the Newham Warm Havens Programme. The ‘Warm Havens’ Programme is working with partners of the Council to keep spaces and places open for longer including in libraries, community buildings and other places.

To action this, small grants of up to £500 are available to voluntary/community or faith organisations as well as informal local community groups who want to support residents who are facing difficulties.

Domestic Abuse & Violence

HESTIA delivers Newham’s Community Based Domestic and Sexual Violence service to adults and children in crisis. Services available to victims aged 16 and over include: one to one case work and advocacy for the victims of domestic, sexual violence and abuse. Call HESTIA on 08081961482. The line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Mental Health

Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. But hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We’ll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

Newham Talking Therapies

Mental health crisis line – 0800 073 0066

For out-of-hours support or if you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can call the Mental Health Crisis Line which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can then speak to a mental health professional who can guide you to a safe decision regarding your next steps. This can include assistance with getting in touch with the right people to help you and may include referring you directly to a team where you can be seen face to face.

The crisis line is open to any resident of Newham who is experiencing a crisis or is a carer for those in crisis.



Housing and Rent Advice

Home is a human right. It’s our foundation and it’s where we thrive. Yet, every day millions of people are being devastated by the housing emergency. We exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything.

Special Educational Needs

Empowering Families– Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and support Service, SENDIASS  Newham(formerly Parent Partnership Services), is a statutory service designed to support parent/carers, children and young people 0-25, with issues relating to their special educational needs and disability (SEND) rights and provision.  The support offered is free, impartial and confidential, as the service works at arms-length from the local authority (LA).  Support is given electronically, telephone and face to face meetings.  SENDIASS will not share parent, carer, or young person’s information with other professionals, unless we have explicit consent or there is a safeguarding issue.

Food banks

Newham food bank is an independent charity run in partnership with local Churches /Partners. We provide emergency food crisis support across 6 distribution centres by collecting donations to redistribute to help families and individuals in need.

No one should go hungry while we can help it.

Best Start in Life (BSiL) Children’s Centres

Newham’s Children’s Centres offer a range of services to help give your child the best start in life. You can register for free if you are a Newham resident with a child under 5 (including if you’re pregnant). You can register using the online ‘ Family Registration‘ form.

Parent Champions

Parent Champions is a parent to parent outreach programme.  Parent Champions are parent volunteers who spend a few hours a week linking with other local parents to share information about childcare, local services and the benefits to their child of taking up their free early education place.

How can parent champions help you?

If you’re confused about your options for childcare and other services, our Parent Champions can guide you through what’s available.  They will share their own experiences and the struggles with childcare as a parent.  They can give you advice and let you know what has helped make parenting easier for them.  We’re very lucky to have Parent Champions from different ethnic groups. So far, we have recruited Parent Champions from a wide range of ethnic communities.