Ofsted Information

On this page you will find links to both statutory and non-statutory information regarding Essex Primary School.  


Statutory Information

Contact Details
Admissions Arrangements
School Uniforms
Inspection Reports (Ofsted)
Results and Performance Tables
School Opening Hours
Remote Education
Premiums and Financial information
Equality Objectives
SEND Information
Complaints Procedure
Governors’ Information
Values and Ethos

Please click on the link to view our Ofsted report.


Additional Information

The high quality of education at Essex is underpinned by children’s rights, British Values and global goals and supports pupils to become knowledgeable, responsible 21st century global citizens. At Essex we promote the wellbeing and personal development of all pupils.  We offer exceptional enrichment experiences, which support pupils in succeeding in activities outside school. We belong to an array of partnerships that contribute to this success. A celebration of all of those achievements is below.

Click on the image below to view our personal development offer. 

Click on the links below and enjoy all of the experiences and achievements our children take part in and they partnerships we collaborate with.

Enrichment and Exceptional Experiences at Essex

Celebration of extra-curricular achievements outside school

School Partnerships