Former Year 6 Reunion

On Wednesday, we had a reunion for last year’s Year 6 students who are currently in Year 7. There was a big turnout and the students were very excited to come back and share their experiences from their first few weeks in secondary school. Although most students made the short trip from Little Ilford School, there were students travelling from different schools further out who really took the time  to come to see their previous teachers. They were served drinks and snacks, while catching up with each other as well as talking to their previous teachers. For the staff, it was a fantastic time to engage with students about how Essex Primary helped them prepare for the next step in their lives and the life lessons that they took from here to develop further in their secondary schools. As expected, the students could not wait to talk to each other and the hall was buzzing with laughter but also reminiscing about what they missed about Essex Primary. The most wonderful thing to see was how appreciative the students were of their previous teachers and how much they were able to gain from Primary school before their next step.

We wish them all the best for the rest of secondary school and hope to see them soon!