Hyacinth Class visited Pizza Express in Stratford, travelling by school minibus. The children began by washing their hands and putting on chef’s hats and aprons. The Pizza Express Chef told us about the history of the shop and how margarita pizza got its name. Each pupil had their own pizza base and spread passata sauce over it using a spoon. The Chef then gave each pupil a bowl with cubed cheese in. The pupils sprinkled the cheese over their pizza base. We all used the vocabulary ‘spreading’ and ‘sprinkling’ as we performed the tasks.
The Chef then put our pizzas onto a rack and into the oven. Everyone waited patiently for the pizzas to cook. The Chef gave us our pizzas in take away boxes to bring back to school. Everyone really enjoyed the whole experience of travelling on the minibus, going into the restaurant and making a pizza. We especially loved eating our pizzas!